- Coordinator
- Joe Lockwood
- Email the Department
- Phone
- Physical Address
- 3319 King Ave. E. Billings, MT 59101
St. Johnswort
(Hypericum perforatum L.)
Hypericum family - Clusiaceae
Photo by Tom Whitson, Roy Reichenbach
Produced by Wyoming Weed & Pest Council in cooperation with Sandoz Crop Protection Corp.
Toxcity: Humans and livestock.
Growth Habit: Perennial, erect, numerous branches.
Leaves: Opposite, attached directly to stem, 1 inch long, oblong, covered with transparent dots.
Stem: Woody at the base, 1 to 3 ft. tall, rust colored, with 2 ridges.
Flower: Yellow, 3/4 inch diameter, in fiat-topped clusters, 5 petals with numerous stamens.
Roots: Branched and deep, some shallow capable of sending up shoots.
Seeds: Small, shiny black, with rough texture in a round, pointed, three-part seed pod.
Reproduction: Seeds & new shoots.
Biological Controls: None used in Yellowstone County at this time.
Herbicides: None used in Yellowstone County at this time.
Caution: Contains a toxic substance which causes white-haired animals to become allergic to strong sunlight.