- Coordinator
- Joe Lockwood
- Email the Department
- Phone
- Physical Address
- 3319 King Ave. E. Billings, MT 59101
Tall Buttercup
(Ranunculus acris L.)
Photo from Weeds of the West, revised edition.
Photos from Montana Weed Control Association
Toxicity: Toxic. Livestock when grazed (but not toxic when cured in hay).
Growth Habit: Hairy perennial reaching 3 feet in height
Leaves: Lower leaves 3 to 5 - lobed, deeply cut, upper leaves reduced and consisting of 3 to 4 narrow segments
Stem: 3 feet in height, stems are much branched above.
Flower: Yellow flowers, 1 inch or more in diameter.
Roots: Course fiborous root.
Seeds: ¼ inch or slightly longer with smooth border, stout curved beak, and generally a spiny surface.
Reproduction: By seed.
Habitat: Occurs in meadows and pastures.
Biological Controls:
Herbicide: Tordon + 2.4-D, or Milestone