- Finance Director
- Jennifer Jones
- Email the Department
- Phone
- Physical Address
- 316 North 26th /Rm 3401 Billings, MT 59101
July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021 (Condensed Version)
(Documents are available in Adobe .pdf format for printing.)
Full FY21 Budget Document (3.6 MB)
I. Summary Data
Total County Revenues - 5 Year History
Property Tax Uses/Source of Resources for Appropriations
Total County Expenditures - 5 Year History/Major Expenditure Uses by Function
Requested Changes From Preliminary Budget
Projected FY20 Tax Protest Percentage
II. General Fund - Fund 1000
A. General Fund
III. Public Safety
IV. Special Revenue
A. Special Revenue Funds (part 1)
B. Special Revenue Funds (part 2)
IV. Other Funds
Debt Service Funds, Capital Projects Funds, Enterprise/Internal Service Funds, Special District