- Finance Director
- Jennifer Jones
- Email the Department
- Phone
- Physical Address
- 316 North 26th /Rm 3401 Billings, MT 59101
July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004 (Condensed Version)
(Documents are available in Adobe .pdf format for printing.)
I. Summary Data
1. Introduction
2. Final Budget Executive Summary
4. Mill Levy Comparison - Final Budget
5. State Certified Taxable Valuation
6. Dept. of Revenue - Certified Taxable Valuation. Taxable Value Including New Construction
7. Total County Revenue Charts
8. Personnel Recap and Requests for Changes in Employee Status
9. Approved Capital Final FY03 Budget
10. Approved Increases in Operating Budgets
13. Miscellaneous Statistical Information
14. County Building Permits 1996-2003
15. Fiscal Policy
II. General Fund - Fund 100
A. FY 03-04 Final Revenue Budget and 5 Year Revenue History
III. Special Revenue
A. Public Safety
B. FY 03-04 Final Revenue Budget and 5 Year Revenue History
IV. Other Funds
A. FY 03-04 Final Revenue Budget and 5 Year Revenue History
V. Glossary