Tuesday February 18, 2025
ALL PRESENT: Commissioner Morse, Chair; Commissioners Waters and Ostlund; Board Clerk Teri Reitz; Clerk and Recorder Jeff Martin.
MINUTES February 11, 2025. Commissioner Waters made a MOTION to approve the Minutes, Commissioner Ostlund seconded. Passed Unanimous.
Commissioner Ostlund made a MOTION to move Item 1A from the Consent Agenda to Item 2 on the Regular Agenda, Commissioner Morse seconded. Passed Unanimous.
RECOGNITION Brent Johnson Detention Center 15 Years of Service; Bobby Wise Road 15 Years of Service; Cody Goodyear Detention Center 10 Years of Service; Detention Facility Promotion Lieutenant Rickett.
PUBLIC COMMENTS ON REGULAR, CONSENT AND FILED AGENDA ITEMS Hearing no comments Commissioner Morse continued the Board Meeting.
PLANNING DEPARTMENT Platinum Commercial Park Subdivision County Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat. Mr. Dave Green, Planner stated this subdivision will create 14 lots for commercial/industrial development. The subject property is generally located northeast of the intersection of South 72nd Street West and Danford Road. Mr. Green went through the proposed conditions. Mr. Green also went through the requested variances. Commissioner Ostlund made a MOTION to conditionally approve Platinum Commercial Park Subdivision County Major Subdivision Plat with the SIA, Findings of Fact and the requested Variances, Commissioner Waters seconded. Passed Unanimous.
COMMISSIONERS Item moved from the Consent Agenda Veterans Navigation Network Request for PILT Funds. Commissioner Ostlund made a MOTION to approve, Commissioner Morse seconded. Commissioner Waters recused himself from voting because he is part the Veterans Navigation Network Board. Passed Unanimous.
CLAIMS Batches 25-106 and 25-107. Commissioner Ostlund made a MOTION to approve the Claims, Commissioner Waters seconded. Passed Unanimous.
CONSENT AGENDA 1. COMMISSIONERS A.) Veterans Navigation Network Request for PILT Funds Moved to the Regular Agenda. B.) MOU Between MHC and YC for Mental Health Center Services at YCDF. C.) MACo Health Care Trust Vision Retiree Coverage. D.) Board Reappointment Pamela Ask & Terry Seiffert to Lockwood TEDD Board. E.) DBA Request for Mental Health Mill Levy Funding. F.) YSC DOC Licensing Inspection. 2. COUNTY ATTORNEY Letter re DocuSign. 3. FINANCE A.) Public Safety Mental Health Mill Levy Request. B.) Finance Request to Expend New Phone for Purchasing Agenda. C.) IT Dept Request to Expend New Phone for IT Assistant Director. D.) MetraPark 1st Avenue Entrance WWC Engineering Letter of Agreement. 4. METRAPARK Metra Trust Check Log for January 2025. 5. HUMAN RESOURCES PERSONNEL ACTION REPORTS County Attorney 1 Appointment; District Court 1 Appointment; Detention Facility 1 Termination; Sheriffs Office 1 Termination; Finance 1 Salary & Other.
FILE ITEMS 1. AUDITOR A.) Payroll Audit January 16 January 31, 2025. B.) Dick Anderson Construction Change Order PC-03. 2. CLERK AND RECORDER Board Minutes Yellowstone Conservation District. 3. EMERGENCY AND GENERAL SERVICES EMPG FY24/25 Quarter 2 Reimbursement Request Submitted. 4. HUMAN RESOURCES January 15 January 31 Payroll Audit Response. Commissioner Waters made a MOTION to approve the amended Consent Agenda and place the File Items to file, Commissioner Ostlund seconded. Passed Unanimous.
PUBLIC COMMENTS ON COUNTY BUSINESS Hearing no comments Commissioner Morse adjourned the meeting at 9:20 a.m.