Tuesday January 21, 2025
ALL PRESENT: Commissioner Morse, Chair; Commissioners Waters and Ostlund; Board Clerk Teri Reitz; Clerk and Recorder Jeff Martin.
MINUTES January 14, 2025. Commissioner Waters made a MOTION to approve the Minutes, Commissioner Ostlund seconded. Passed Unanimous.
PUBLIC COMMENTS ON REGULAR, CONSENT AND FILED AGENDA ITEMS Hearing no comments Commissioner Morse continued the Board Meeting.
CLAIMS Batches 25-090, 25-091, 25-092 and 250-093. Commissioner Ostlund made a MOTION to approve the Claims, Commissioner Waters seconded. Passed Unanimous.
CONSENT AGENDA 1. COMMISSIONERS A.) Resolution 25-08 County Publication and Posting of Notices. B.) Board Appointment Monica Plecker to Planning and Zoning Commission. C.) Board Openings Updated List. 2. COUNTY ATTORNEY Resolution 25-09 for Prosecutorial Assistance in State v. I.B. 3. FINANCE A.) Bond for Lost Warrant. B.) ARPA Project Tracking Sheet through 1/14/2025. C.) Request to City for Stillwater Lease Extension. D.) South Central Regional Mental Health Center for Veterans Navigation Network Sub-Grantee Agreement for Crisis Diversion Grant #HHS=BHDD-0114AP-P 25-101-74048-0. E.) Wells Fargo Banking Agreements Extension. F.) MetraPark RFP Rodeo Equipment Addendum #2. 4. METRAPARK MetraPark Trust Account Check Signers Update. 5. PUBLIC WORKS A.) Resolution to Approve Alternative Delivery Method for Blue Creek Bridge. B.) Memorandum of Understanding GL09 Pipeline Replacement. 6. YOUTH SERVICES Medical Services Contract with Whitmoyer Health, PLLC. 7. HUMAN RESOURCES PERSONNEL ACTION REPORTS Road & Bridge 2 Appointments; I.T. 1 Appointment; Finance 1 Termination; Youth Services Center 1 Termination; Detention Facility 1 Appointment; Sheriffs Office 1 Appointment, 1 Salary & Other, 2 Terminations.
FILE ITEMS 1. CLERK AND RECORDER Board Minutes Lockwood Irrigation District Board Minutes. 2. CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT Checks and Disbursements for December 2024. 3. FINANCE A.) MetraPark Expo South Lot Contract for Materials Testing Terracon. B.) ARPA SLFRF Compliance Report for the Period of Oct-Dec 2024. Commissioner Waters made a MOTION to approve the Consent Agenda and place the File Items to file, Commissioner Ostlund seconded. Passed Unanimous.
PUBLIC COMMENTS ON COUNTY BUSINESS Hearing no comments Commissioner Morse adjourned the meeting at 9:02 a.m.