Wednesday June 19, 2024


          ALL PRESENT:  Commissioner Ostlund, Chair; Commissioners Morse and Jones; Board Clerk Teri Reitz

          Absent: Clerk and Recorder Jeff Martin.     

          MINUTES – May 14, 2024, Elected Officials Compensation Hearing, May 21, 2024, May 28, 2024, June 4, 2024, June 4, 2024, Elected Officials Compensation Hearing, June 11, 2024.  Commissioner Morse made a MOTION to approve the Minutes, Commissioner Jones seconded.  Passed Unanimous.

Commissioner Jones made a MOTION to TABLE item 6A on the Consent Agenda, Commissioner Morse seconded.  Passed Unanimous. 

          9:30 a.m. BID OPENING – A.)  Open and Acknowledge RFQ for Owner Construction Representative Indefinite Delivery and Indefinite Quantity.  RFQ’s were opened and acknowledged from DOWL, KLJ and Hulteng CCM, Inc.  Commissioner Morse made a MOTION to refer the bids to staff for recommendation back to this board, Commissioner Jones seconded.  Passed Unanimous.  B.)  Open and Acknowledge RFQ for Mechanical Engineering Indefinite Delivery and Indefinite Quantity.  RFQ’s were opened and acknowledged from Con’eer Engineering, Inc., Cushing Terrell, and Salas O’Brien.  Commissioner Morse made a MOTION to refer the bids to staff for recommendation back to this board, Commissioner Jones seconded.  Passed Unanimous. 

          9:30 a.m. PUBLIC HEARING – Public Hearing and Resolution 24-104 on the Possible Sale of Charles Russell Park. Ms. Monica Plecker, Deputy Public Works Director stated that Mr. Craig Debuff, who own several parcels of land adjacent to the park, enquired whether the County would sell the park to him.  To sell parkland owned by the county the board must comply with the usual requirement to sell county land and some special requirements because the land is parkland.  To sell parkland owned by the county the board has to (1) compile an inventory of all public parks and playgrounds within the county, (2) prepare a recreation plan for the county, (3) decide the sale is consistent with the recreation plan, (4) have the parkland appraised, (5) pass a resolution of intent to sell the parkland at a public auction and set a public hearing, (6) provide notice of the public hearing on the intent to sell the parkland at a public auction, (7) hold a public hearing on the intent to sell the parkland at a public auction, receive and consider public comment, (8) pass a resolution to sell the parkland at a public auction that contains all the details of the public auction, (9) provide notice of the public auction, (10) hold a public auction and sell the parkland for not less than the appraised value of the parkland, (11) place the money from the sale of the parkland into the parks fund like cash in lieu of parkland dedication and (12) memorialize what occurred at the public auction.  Commissioner Ostlund opened the Public Hearing.  Ten people spoke in opposition of the sale of the park.  One person spoke in favor of the sale of the park.  Commissioner Morse made a MOTION to deny Resolution 24-104, Commissioner Jones seconded.  Passed Unanimous. 

          PUBLIC COMMENTS ON REGULAR, CONSENT AND FILED AGENDA ITEMS – Hearing no comments Commissioner Ostlund continued the Board Meeting.

          PUBLIC WORKS – A.)  Resolution 24-103 to Set a Public Hearing on the Proposed Abandonment of a Portion of Rosebud Lane – Setting the Public Hearing for Tuesday July 9, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 3108.  Commissioner Jones made a MOTION to approve Resolution 24-103, Commissioner Morse seconded.  Passed Unanimous.  B.)  Resolution 24-105 of Intent to Dissolve Yellowstone County Parks Board and Setting the Public Hearing for Tuesday July 9, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 3108.  Commissioner Morse made a MOTION to approve Resolution 24-105, Commissioner Jones seconded.  Passed Unanimous. 

          CLAIMS – Batches 24-171, 24-172, 24-173, 24-174, 24-175 and 24-176.  Commissioner Jones made a MOTION to approve the Claims, Commissioner Morse seconded.  Passed Unanimous. 

          CONSENT AGENDA – 1.  COMMISSIONERS – Commissioner Board Appointments – Commissioner Morse & Commissioner Jones to Beartooth RC&C / Commissioner Ostlund to Area II Agency on Aging & Yellowstone County Museum Board.  2.  COUNTY ATTORNEY – MOU between SOAR Court and YCAO.  3.  FINANCE – A.)  I.T. Contract with Tel-Net Systems to Excavate, Set and Install Data Pathway to Administration Building.  B.)  Request for Qualifications/Request for Proposals – Alternative Delivery Construction General Contractor/Construction Manager (GCCM) – Yellowstone County Administration Building.  C.)  Resolution 24-97 to Cancel Old Checks 8 Years and Older.  D.)  Bonds for Lost Warrants.  E.)  Youth Services Center Request to Expend for a 30 Tray Meal Delivery Cart.  F.)  Youth Services MasterCards for Vehicle Fuel Cards.  G.)  Request for Reimbursement #3 for NRCS EWP Project 5044 – Grant #NR230325XXXXC003.  H.)  Finance Contract with Schutz-Foxx Architects for Design of the YCDF Short-Term Holding Facility.  I.)  Finance Contract with A&E Design for Yellowstone County Detention Facility and Justice System Needs Assessment and Master Plan.  4.  PUBLIC WORKS – A.)  Vehicle Titles for Trade-in.  B.)  Resolution 24-102 Amending Load Restriction Ordinance 07-107.  5.  SHERIFF – MPFE-Sheriff Deputies 2024 Montana Fair Stipend.  6.  YOUTH SERVICES – A.)  Therapeutic Mentoring Contract – TABLED.  B.)  South Central Regional Juvenile Detention Grant – 2025.  7.  HUMAN RESOURCES – A.)  Non-Union FY25 Salary Letter.  B.)  PERSONNEL ACTION REPORTS – County Attorney – 1 Appointment, I.T. – 1 Appointment; Detention Facility – 2 Appointments, 4 Terminations; Sheriff’s Office – 1 Appointment, 1 Salary & Other; Road and Bridge – 1 Termination.

          FILE ITEMS – 1.  AUDITOR – Payroll Audit May 16 to May 31, 2024.  2.  COMMISSIONERS – Public Comment – YAM Funding.  3.  FINANCE – A.)  Detailed Cash Investment Report – May 2024.  B.)  Youth Service Center Budget Adjustment – FY24.  4.  HUMAN RESOURCES – A.)  Acceptance Letter for the New IT Director.  B.)  May 16 – May 31 Payroll Audit.  Commissioner Morse made a MOTION to approve the Consent Agenda and place the File Items to file, Commissioner Jones seconded.  Passed Unanimous. 

          PUBLIC COMMENTS ON COUNTY BUSINESS – Hearing no comments Commissioner Ostlund adjourned the meeting at 10:13 a.m.

APPROVE                                             ATTEST