Tuesday June 4, 2024


            ALL PRESENT:  Scott Twito, County Attorney; Commissioner’s Ostlund, Morse; Jeff Martin, Clerk and Recorder/Surveyor/Auditor; Mike Linder, Sheriff; Judge Carter; Oscar Heinrich and Citizen; Jen Jones, Finance Director.

          Mr. Scott Twito stated that Ms. Billie Ruff, citizen is unable to attend this meeting and has given her proxy to me.  Mr. Twito noted that everyone should have a copy of the spreadsheets.  Mr. Twito noted that there are six attachments C which have the County Attorney and Justice of Peace salary percentages of 3%, 4% and 5%.  The first three reflect an increase to 87.5% and the last three reflect and increase to 90%.  Mr. Twito noted that 90% is the maximum amount allowed.  The spreadsheets labeled attachment B are for the rest of the Elected Officials and those reflect a 3%, 4% and 5% increase.  Ms. Jen Jones, Finance Director stated that if a 4% is approved for the Elected Officials salaries, then the deputies will receive approximately 4% and another 1%.  Commissioner Morse asked where the deputies pay was noted on the spreadsheet.  Ms. Jones stated that is not noted on the spreadsheet.  Mr. Heinrich asked how our pay for deputies compares to other counties.  Mr. Twito stated that Cascade County is proposing a 4.1% increase for deputies pay.  Sheriff Linder stated that we have lost deputies due to low base pay.  We have 5 vacancies for Sheriff’s Deputies.  Ms. Jones stated that the deputies received 9.3% last year.  Ms. Jones stated she would recommend not going with a 3%.  Mr. Heinrich asked if we have the budget for this.  Ms. Jones stated yes, we do.  Commissioner Ostlund would like to increase the JP’s salary to 90%.  Mr. Heinrich asked the three Commissioners what they would like to recommend.  All three Commissioners were in agreement they would be comfortable with a 4% increase.   

Mr. Twito asked for Public Comment.  Hearing no Public Comment Mr. Twito continued the meeting.

Mr. Heinrich made a MOTION to recommend a 4% increase for the Elected Officials and move the Justice of Peace to 90%, Commissioner Morse seconded.  Passed Unanimous.  Mr. Twito adjourned the meeting at 10:30 a.m.

APPROVE                                             ATTEST