Tuesday May 21, 2024


          ALL PRESENT:  Commissioner Ostlund, Chair, Commissioners Morse and Jones, Board Clerk Teri Reitz; Clerk and Recorder Jeff Martin.


          9:30 a.m. PUBLIC HEARINGS – A.)  First Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Public Hearing.  Mr. Thom MacLean, Big Sky EDA stated that the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) appropriates Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to the State of Montana Department of Commerce for competitive distribution among Montana’s “non-entitlement communities,” which are defined as those communities outside of the cities of Billings, Missoula, and Great Falls.  All CDBG funds must be used for projects that meet a “HUD National Objective” along with benefitting low-to-moderate income individuals/households in a targeted area of the jurisdiction) city, county, and specific districts or legally formed governing authorities).  Any proposed CDBG project that displaces low-to-moderate income persons in unlikely to receive funding.  Montana has four CDBG program categories – Housing, Public and Community Facilities, Planning Grants and Economic Development.  Commissioner Ostlund opened the Public Hearing.  Two people spoke supporting workforce housing.  One person spoke in support of the Lockwood Water and Sewer Public Sewer Project.  Hearing no other comments Commissioner Ostlund closed the Public Hearing.  No action is required currently.  B.)  Resolution of Intent 24-92 to Enact Yellowstone County Jurisdictional Zoning Around the City of Laurel and Setting the Second Public Hearing for Tuesday July 9, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 3108.  Commissioner Ostlund opened the Public Hearing.  Mr. Kurt Markegard, Laurel Planner stated that this is the first of two public hearings.  He also stated that an issue has arisen over whether there is zoning in the are around the City of Laurel.  The County believes zoning in the area

          PUBLIC COMMENTS ON REGULAR, CONSENT AND FILED AGENDA ITEMS – Hearing no comments Commissioner Ostlund continued the Board Meeting.

          CLAIMS – Batches 24-158, 24-159 and 24-160.  Commissioner Morse made a MOTION to approve the Claims, Commissioner Jones seconded.  Passed Unanimous. 

          CONSENT AGENDA – 1.  CLERK AND RECORDER – Winchester Estate Minor Subdivision and the S.I.A.  2.  COMMISSIONERS – A.)  Board Openings – Updated List.  B.)  Board Reappointments – Andy Dean to Huntley Project FSA/Russ Hart to Yellowstone County Museum.  C.)  Board Appointment – Paul Miron to Lockwood TEDD.  D.)  Regrets Letter – Dennis Ross.  3.  FINANCE – A.)  Finance Contract with Northern Industrial Hygiene for Environmental Consulting Services.  B.)  Health Insurance Rate Recommendation for FY25.  C.)  MetraPark Mastercards for New Facilities Director and Production Director.  D.)  Certificate of Compliance for the Yellowstone County Billings Bench Water Association main Canal Rehabilitation Grant #AC-22-0194.  E.)  County Attorney’s Office Request for an Additional Cellular Phone Line for the Senior Deputy County Attorney.  F.)  Contract Amendment Number Two for the Crisis Diversion Grant – DPHHS 23-101-74116-0.  4.  INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – Verizon Wireless/MT Fair COW Project – Fiber Route Confirmation.  5.  PUBLIC WORKS – A.)  Vehicle Title for Trade In.  B.)  Road Load Restricted Route Amendment.  6.  HUMAN RESOURCES – PERSONNEL ACTION REPORTS – GIS – 1 Salary & Other; MetraPark – 1 Appointment, 1 Salary & Other; Youth Services Center – 1 Appointment; Sheriff’s Office – 2 Salary & Other, 2 Terminations; Road & Bridge – 1 Termination; Detention Facility – 4 Salary & Other, 2 Terminations.

          FILE ITEMS – 1.  EMERGENCY AND GENERAL SERVICES – A.)  Volunteer Fire Grant Reimbursement and Closeout.  B.)  EMPG – FY23-24 Quarter 3 Reimbursements Request Submitted.  Commissioner Morse made a MOTION to approve the Consent Agenda and place the File Items to File, Commissioner Jones seconded.  Passed Unanimous.

          PUBLIC COMMENTS ON COUNTY BUSINESS – Hearing no comments Commissioner Ostlund adjourned the meeting at 10:36 a.m.

APPROVE                                             ATTEST