Tuesday May 14, 2024


            ALL PRESENT:  Scott Twito, County Attorney; Commissioner’s Ostlund, Morse and Jones; Jeff Martin, Clerk and Recorder/Surveyor/Auditor; Mike Linder, Sheriff; Judge Carter; Oscar Heinrich and Billie Ruff, Citizens; Jen Jones, Finance Director.

            Mr. Scott Twito, County Attorney opened the meeting and had everyone introduce themselves.  Mr. Twito read the Compensation Public Hearing Notice into the record.  Ms. Jen Jones, Finance Director handed out spreadsheets with a 3%, 3˝% and 4% increase. Ms. Jones noted that historically the Elected Officials have lagged CPI.  Mr. Twito asked Ms. Jones what the current CPI is.  Ms. Jones answered that it is 3.4%.  Commissioner Ostlund asked Ms. Jones to explain how the Sheriff’s base salary impacts the Sheriff’s Deputies.  Ms. Jones stated that the deputies will receive 73% to 80% of the Sheriff’s base salary.  Ms. Jones also noted that the Sheriff’s longevity does not impact the Sheriff’s Deputies.   Mr. Twito asked if Billie Ruff or Oscar Heinrich have any issues with the percentages.  Ms. Ruff and Mr. Heinrich said they do not have any issues.  Mr. Twito addressed the Justice of the Peace (JP’s) salaries and stated that they should be at the 90% of the District Court Judges salary.  Mr. Twito stated that right now the JP’s are at 80% of the District Court Judges salaries.  Due to the pandemic and economical issues we paused several fiscal years in giving the JP’s a raise.  Commissioner Ostlund stated that we need to get back to the increases for the JP’s.  Mr. Oscar Heinrich asked if those years hadn’t been paused would the JP’s be at 87%.  Mr. Jones answered yes, they would.  Judge Carter agreed with Mr. Heinrich’s and Commissioner Ostlund’s comments.  Commissioner Morse stated that being part of the CJCC – Jail Working Group he has been at the JP court many times and it is incredibly complex down there and they pass a ton of work through the system.  As part of the conversations during the Jail Working Group, we hope to do an arraignment court and Judge Carter has been the lynchpin of that whole operation and I can’t say enough good about what they do down there.  Ms. Ruff asked if 87.5% is reflected in the numbers on the spreadsheet.  Mr. Twito stated no.  Commissioner Jones agrees with the JP conversation.  Ms. Jen Jones stated that she will bring a new schedule C reflecting the 87.5%.  Hearing no other comments Mr. Scott Twito opened Public Comment.

Two citizens spoke in support of the Justice of the Peace’s proposed increases.  Hearing no other comments Mr. Twito closed Public Comment. 

Commissioner Ostlund would like the group to look at the JP’s salaries and look at all of the Elected Officials compensation.  Mr. Twito stated if anybody has any other suggestions on % increases let his Office Administrator Amy Tolzien know and she will let Jen know. 

Commissioner Morse made a MOTION to adjourn the meeting, Mr. Heinrich seconded.  Passed Unanimous.  Meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m.

APPROVE                                             ATTEST