Tuesday May 7, 2024


          ALL PRESENT:  Commissioner Ostlund, Chair; Commissioners Morse and Jones; Board Clerk Teri Reitz; Clerk and Recorder Jeff Martin.


          MINUTES – April 23, 2024, and April 30, 2024.  Commissioner Morse made a MOTION to approve the Minutes, Commissioner Jones seconded.  Passed Unanimous. 

          BID OPENING – Bid Opening for Public Works Asphalt Compactor.

                                                Lump Sum                 Trade In        Net Cost

Tractor and Equipment Company     $72,775.00              $12,200.00    $60,575.00

RDO Equipment Company              $87,916.80              $17,000.00    $70,916.80

RDO Equipment Company              $83,727.20              $17,000.00    $66,727.20

Torgerson’s                                 $69,000.00              $18,240.00    $50,760.00

Commissioner Morse made a MOTION to refer the bids to staff for recommendation back to this board, Commissioner Jones seconded.  Passed Unanimous.

          PUBLIC COMMENTS ON REGULAR, CONSENT AND FILED AGENDA ITEMS – Hearing no comments Commissioner Ostlund continued the Board Meeting.

          BIG SKY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY – Notice of the First Public Hearing for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds – Setting the Public Hearing for Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 3108.  Commissioner Jones made a MOTION to approve the Notice of the First Public Hearing for CDBG Funds and Set the Public Hearing, Commissioner Morse seconded.  Passed Unanimous.

          FINANCE – Recommendation of Award for Adult Detention Center Needs Assessment to A&E Design.  Mr. James Matteson, Purchasing Agent went through the timeline.  Mr. Shane Swandel, Hulteng CCM stated that he will work with the Finance Director and the County Attorney going through process.  Mr. James Matteson, Purchasing Agent stated that on March 12th, 2024, and RFQ for Adult Detention Center Needs Assessment was released.  Five Qualification submittals were received and referred to a committee for recommendation of award to the Board.  The committee meet on April 15th, 2024, to review submittals and invited the top three firms for interviews.  The interviews were held on May 1st, 2024, with each firm making a presentation to the committee.  The firms were ranked from a numerical rating of #1 (top rating) through #3.  The unanimous recommendation is to award the project to A&E Design.  Commissioner Morse made a MOTION to approve the Recommendation of Award for Adult Detention Center Needs Assessment to A&E Design, Commissioner Jones seconded.  Passed Unanimous.   

          CLAIMS – Batches 24-151, 24-152, 24-153 & 24-154.  Commissioner Jones made a MOTION to approve the Claims, Commissioner Morse seconded.  Passed Unanimous. 

          CONSENT AGENDA – 1.  Clerk and Recorder – Plat of Lazy KU Subdivision, 2nd Filing, and the S.I.A.  2.  Commissioners – A.)  Term End Thank You Letter – Keith Bauer & Randy Amundson – Blue Creek Fire Service Area.  B.)  Notice of 2024 Tax Appeal Session.  C.)  Board Reappointments – Kari Welborn to Custer Cemetery Board/Linda Roers, Brian Macy & Duane Loken to Adult Resource Alliance Board/Oscar Heinrich Jr. to County Compensation Board.  3.  Elections- Election Record Maintenance and Disposal.  4.  Emergency and General Services – 2024 RRGL Grant – Rattlesnake Reservoir SCADA Project – Authorizing Statement.  5.  Finance – A.)  Determination of Authority – Alternative Delivery Method – Yellowstone County Administration Building (C.A.B.).  B.)  Request for Qualifications for Architectural/Engineering Services for the Yellowstone County Courthouse.  C.)  Request for Reimbursement #2 for NCRS EWP Project 5044 – Grant #NR230325XXXXC003.  D.)  Resolution No. 24-83 to Expand RSID 869M Lazy KU Subdivision – Roads.  E.)  Resolution 24-84 to Expand RSID 870M Lazy KU Subdivision – Dry Hydrant.  F.)  Resolution No. 24-86 to Expand RSID 871M Lazy KY Subdivision – Park.  G.)  I.T. Request to Expend Data Storage Enclosure for Courthouse Data Center.  6.  MetraPark – Metra Trust Check Log for April 2024.  7.  Human Resources – PERSONNEL ACTION REPORTS – District Court – 1 Appointment; Elections – 1 Appointment; County Attorney – 1 Appointment, 2 Salary & Other, 1 Termination; Metra – 1 Termination; Justice Court – 1 Termination.

          FILE ITEMS – 1.  Auditor – January – March 2024 Quarterly Rev & Exp Report.  2.  Clerk of District Court – Checks and Disbursements for April 2024.  3.  Commissioners – Board Minutes – April 2024 DUI Trask Force/DUI Task Force Symposium Planning.  4.  Emergency and General Services – Grant Agreement with DNRC for Fire Suppression.  5.  Sheriff – Grant Award for YCSO Mini Grant for Traffic Augmentation.  Commissioner Morse made a MOTION to approve the Consent Agenda and place the File Items to file, Commissioner Jones seconded.  Passed Unanimous. 

          PUBLIC COMEMNTS ON COUNTY BUSINESS – Hearing no comments Commissioner Ostlund adjourned the meeting at 9:39 a.m.

APPROVE                                             ATTEST