Tuesday October 24, 2023


          ALL PRESENT:  Commissioner Ostlund, Chair; Commissioners Morse and Jones; Board Clerk Teri Reitz; Clerk and Recorder Jeff Martin.


          RECOGNITION – Kelly Hogg – Detention Center – Retirement – 20 Years of Service; Tara Jensen – Road – 25 Years of Service; Bethan Bender – County Attorney – 20 Years of Service; Gary Burke – Sheriff Detective – 10 Years of Service; Aaron Harris – Sheriff Patrol – 10 Years Service.

          9:30 a.m. BID OPENING – Open and Acknowledge RFP MontanaFair Entertainment Consultant.  One RFP was received from Romeo Entertainment Group.  Commissioner Morse made a MOTION to refer the RFP to staff for recommendation back to the Board, Commissioner Jones seconded.  Passed Unanimous. 

          9:30 a.m. PUBLIC HEARING – Resolution 23-116 to Allow Time for Compliance with Marijuana Zoning Regulations – Public Hearing.  Ms. Plecker, Planning Division Manager went through the same presentation that was presented on October 3, 2023.  Commissioner Ostlund opened the Public Hearing.  Seven people spoke in opposition of Resolution 23-116.  Hearing no other comments Commissioner Ostlund closed the Public Hearing.  Commissioner Jones made a MOTION to approve Resolution 23-116, Commissioner Morse seconded.  Commissioner Jones asked Ms. Plecker if 12 months was enough time for a zone change.  Ms. Plecker stated that a zone change takes 60 days.  Passed Unanimous. 

          PUBLIC COMMENTS ON REGULAR, CONSENT AND FILED AGENDA ITEMS – Hearing no comments Commissioner Ostlund continued the Board Meeting. 

          CLAIMS – Batches 24-051, 24-052, 24-053, 24-054 and 24-055.  Commissioner Jones made a MOTION to approve the Claims, Commissioner Morse seconded.  Passed Unanimous.

          CONSENT AGENDA – 1.  COMMISSIONERS – A.)  Yellowstone County Tax Appeal Board Secretarial Services Interlocal Agreement.  B.)  Board Openings – Updated List.  C.)  Support Letter – BEAD Program.  2.  ELECTIONS – A.)  Purchase of ES&S DS950.  B.)  Resolution 23-114 for the Adoption and Provision of Legal Descriptions for County Commissioner Districts.  C.)  Resolution 23-115 for the Adoption and Provision of Legal Descriptions for Precincts.  3.  FINANCE – A.)  Required Standard Audit Contract with JCCS.  B.)  Agreement between Billings Community Foundation and Substance Abuse Connect (SAC) to be the Fiscal Agent.  C.)  MetraPark ARPA Infrastructure Project #3 Arena Lot & Rideshare Change Order #1.  4.  PUBLIC WORKS – Change Order #1 with Hardrives Construction, Inc. for the 2023 RSID 798 Overlay.  5.  SHERIFF – A.)  Service Agreements for New Copiers at YCDF and YCSO.  B.)  Renewal of Existing Agreement between YCSO and City of Billings for Tyler Technologies Public Safety Software Maintenance and Support.  6.  YOUTH SERVICES – Family Stabilization Program – Placements in the 22nd Judicial District Contract #PIF22-28.  7.  HUMAN RESOURCES - A.)  HAY Committee Recommendation – Deputy Public Works Director.  B.)  PERSONNEL ACTION REPORTS – MetraPark – 1 Appointment; Public Works- 2 Termination; Road & Bridge – 1 Termination; Detention Facility – 2 Appointments, 1 Termination; Sheriff’s Office – 1 Termination.

          FILE ITEMS – 1.  COMMISSIONERS – A.)  Board Minutes – Park Board September 2023.  B.)  HRDC Quarterly Report for September 30th2.  FINANCE – A.) ARPA – SLFRF Compliance Report for Q3 2023 (July-September 2023).  B.)  Detailed Cash Investment Report September 2023.  3.  PUBLIC WORKS – Contracts for Snowplowing Subdivision 2023/2024 – (RSIDs) Sierra Estates #698, Brookwood #769, Oakridge #675 & 787, Huntley Estates #757, Cloverleaf Meadows #651, Sanctuary Canyon #779, Beartooth Point Estates #703, West Meadows #698.  Commissioner Morse made a MOTION to approve the Consent Agenda and place the File Items to file, Commissioner Jones seconded.  Passed Unanimous. 

          PUBLIC COMMENTS ON COUNTY BUSINESS – One citizen spoke regarding the 10- year local government review.  Hearing no other comments Commissioner Ostlund adjourned the meeting at 9:36 a.m.

APPROVE                                                       ATTEST