Tuesday October 17, 2023


          ALL PRESENT:  Commissioner Ostlund, Chair, Commissioners Morse and Jones; Board Clerk Teri Reitz; Clerk and Recorder Jeff Martin.


          PUBLIC COMMENTS ON COUNTY BUSINESS – Hearing no comments Commissioner Ostlund continued the Board Meeting.

          METRAPARK – A.)  Calendar.  Mr. Stoney Field, General Manager stated the NILE is going on right now.  Mr. Field noted that attendance for the NILE has been low.  B.)  Events and Ticket Sales.  Mr. Cody Reitz, Marketing Director stated that NILE’s rodeo attendance for Friday night was 1428, Saturday night was 2437 and Sunday afternoon was 776.  The NILE Ranch rodeo has 1015 tickets out right now.  John Pardi ticket sales are at 3,921, Skillet ticket sales are 1,743 and Journey’s ticket sales are at 6,500.

          COMMISSIONERS – Resolution 23-113 Authorizing MACo to Represent the Interests of the County in Seeking a Declaratory Judgement from the Montana Supreme Court Regarding Statewide Mills.  Commissioner Morse made a MOTION to approve Resolution 23-113, Commissioner Jones seconded.  Passed Unanimous. 

          PUBLIC WORKS – Resolution 23-112 to Set the Public Hearing on the Board of Viewers Report for Abandonment of a Portion of North 21 Road – Public Hearing Set for Tuesday October 31, 2023 @ 9:30 a.m. in Room 3108.  Commissioner Morse made a MOTION to approve Resolution 23-112, Commissioner Jones seconded.  Passed Unanimous. 

          CLAIMS – Batches 24-047, 24-048, 24-049 & 24-050.  Commissioner Jones made a MOTION to approve the Claims, Commissioner Morse seconded.  Passed Unanimous.

          CONSENT AGENDA – 1.  CLERK AND RECORDER – A.)  56th Street Shops Subdivision and the S.I.A.  B.)  Plat of Reno Subdivision and the S.I.A.  2.  COMMISSIONERS – A.)  Term End Thank You Letter – Dr. Joseph Rich – Youth Services Center Board.  B.)  Board Appointment – Jenna Solomon to DUI Task Force.  C.)  Board Reappointment – Blaine Poppler to Board of Adjustment.  D.)  Ted Lechner Youth Services Center Contract with DOC Amendment No. 2.  3.  FINANCE – A.)  MetraPark Recommendation of Award for Carnival Operator to Thomas Carnival.  B.)  Sheriff’s Office Request to Expend for a New Copier MFC for Detective Division.  C.)  Lease Modification for Tenant at Miller Building.  D.)  Agreement with Rainbow Gas for Detention Facility and MetraPark.  E.)  Resolution No. 23-111 to Create RSID 898M – 56th Street Shops Subdivision – Dry Hydrant.  F.)  Bond for Lost Warrant.  G.)  Agreement with United Wat for our PS-PH Levied Funds.  4.  PUBLIC WORKS – A.)  IFB for the Purchase of an Aluminum Box Culvert.  B.)  Vehicle Title for Trade In.  5.  HUMAN RESOURCES – PERSONNEL ACTION REPORT – Elections – 1 Appointment; MetraPark – 1 Appointment.

          FILE ITEMS – 1.  AUDITOR – Payroll Audit September 16 to September 30, 2023.  2.  COMMISSIONERS – A.)  Board Minutes – DUI Task Force September 2023.  B.)  Letter from Attorney General – Request for Opinion.  3.  HUMAN RESOURCES – September 16 – September 30 Payroll Audit.   Commissioner Morse made a MOTION to approve the Consent Agenda and place the File Items to file, Commissioner Jones seconded.  Passed Unanimous. 

          PUBLIC COMMENTS ON COUNTY BUSINESS – Hearing no comments Commissioner Ostlund adjourned the meeting at 9:36 a.m.

APPROVE                                             ATTEST