Tuesday June 27, 203


          ALL PRESENT:  Commissioner Ostlund, Chair; Commissioners Morse and Jones; Board Clerk Teri Reitz; Clerk and Recorder Jeff Martin.


          MINUTES – May 23, 2023, Elected Officials Compensation Hearing, May 30, 2023, June 6, 2023, June 6, 2023 Elected Officials Compensation Hearing, June 13, 2023 and June 19, 2023.  Commissioner Morse made a MOTION to approve the Minutes, Commissioner Jones seconded.  Passed Unanimous.

          9:30 a.m. RECOGNITION – Lesley Martin-Lefthand – County Attorney – 25 Years of Service, Tim Wombolt – Metra Administration – 15 Years of Service, Robert Hilliard – Road – 10 Years of Services, Zane Stenger – Road – 10 Years of Service.

          9:30 a.m. PRESENTATION – A.)  2023 Long Range Transportation Plan Update.  Mr. Andy Daleiden, Kittelson & Associates, Inc. gave a formal presentation on the contents of the updated Transportation Plan, which are available in the Clerk and Recorder’s Office.  Commissioner Jones made a MOTION to forward a recommendation of approval to PCC, Commissioner Morse seconded.  Passed Unanimous.  B.)  Recommendation of Transportation Alternative Projects to the Policy Coordinating Committee.  Ms. Lora Mattox, Transportation Planner stated that the Billings Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) received an allocation of approximately $6.38 million of Transportation Alternative funds.  This includes several years of previously unspent TA funds managed by the Montana Department of Transportation.  Future year funding will be approximately $700,000 annually.  Two projects were submitted requesting funding.  The first is from Yellowstone County on behalf of the Lockwood Pedestrian Safety District.  A proposed sidewalk gap connection along Old Hardin Road between two end points that are being constructed by Yellowstone County on one end and the Montana Department of Transportation (part of the Billings Bypass project) on the other.  This project will complete the 2,200’ gap.  The second project, Stagecoach Trail, was submitted by the City of Billings Parks Department and will construct a 10” wide shared use path from the Skyline Trail on the east side of Zimmerman Trail to Rimrock Road below the rims.  Commissioner Morse made a MOTION to forward a recommendation of approval to PCC, Commissioner Jones seconded.  Passed Unanimous.   

          9:30 a.m. BID OPENING – Bid Opening for Arena Lot and Rideshare Extension Construction Project.

                                                Total Bid

Askin Construction, LLC                 $2,178,344.00

Knife River – Billings                      $2,439,393.25

Commissioner Morse made a MOTION to refer the bids to staff for recommendation, Commissioner Jones seconded.  Passed Unanimous. 

          PUBLIC COMMENTS ON REGULAR, CONSENT AND FILED AGENDA ITEMS – Mr. Mike Mayott stated that he supports the Board Appointment for Mr. Hearing no other comments Commissioner Ostlund continued the Board Meeting.

          COMMISSIONERS – Yellowstone County Treasurer Selection – Commissioner Morse made a MOTION to appoint Ms. Marci Shafer as the new Yellowstone County Treasurer, Commissioner Jones seconded.  Passed Unanimous.   

          FINANCE – A.)  Resolution #23-75 for Elected Officials Salaries – FY24.  Mr. Scott Twito, Elected Officials Compensation Chairman gave some background.  Commissioner Morse made a MOTION to approve Resolution 23-75, Commissioner Jones seconded.  Commissioner Jones stated he couldn’t support this.  Passed 2 – 1.  B.)  Metra GM Selection Process and Board’s Next Step.  Commissioner Ostlund stated that the board have not made a decision yet.  Three candidates have been interviewed and all of them were excellent.  Background checks are being conducted.  The selection process will get moved forward until after the 4th of July.     

          CLAIMS – Batches 23-197, 23-198, 23-199, 23-200, 23-201 and 23-202.  Commissioner Jones made a MOTION to approve the Claims, Commissioner Morse seconded.  Passed Unanimous. 

          CONSENT AGENDA – 1.  CLERK AND RECORDER – A.)  Plat of Kraske Subdivision and the S.I.A.  B.)  Plat of Ridgeline Subdivision.  C.)  Plat of Schmalz Subdivision and SIA.  D.)  Plat of Shop World 406, SIA and Easement Agreement.  E.)  Contract for Legal Advertising with Yellowstone County News.  2.  COMMISSIONERS – A.)  Term End Thank You Letters – Sharon Peterson – Yellowstone Art Museum/Anja Silvesan – Shepherd Cemetery Board/Raeann Mall – Area II Agency on Aging/Mitch Auer – Broadview Cemetery Board.  B.)  Term Limit Thank You Letter – Xavier Moessmer – Adult Resource Alliance.  C.) Board Appointment – Woody Woods to MetraPark Advisory Board.  D.)  Board Openings – Updated List.  3.  COUNTY ATTORNEY – A.)  Extension of the Food Service Partnership Agreement with Summit Food Service, LLC at YCDF for One Year.  B.)  Pine Technologies JW Case Management Support FY 23-24.  C.)  Heritage Health Solutions Professional Services Agreement.  D.)  Yellowstone County Sheriff’s Office Independent Contract/Professional Services Agreement Amendment with TurnKey Health Clinics LLC.  4.  EMERGENCY AND GENERAL SERVICES – 2023 County Fire Cooperative Agreement between DNRC and Yellowstone County.  5.  FINANCE – A.)  MetraPark ARPA Infrastructure; Lower Lot Project, Engineering Field Orders for Change Order #2 with Askin Construction.  B.)  Disposition of Assets, Miscellaneous Old Equipment.  C.)  Yellowstone County Sub-Recipient Contract with Rimrock Foundation for Crisis Diversion Grant #23-101-44116-0.  6.  PLANNING DEPARTMENT – Final Resolution 23-76 for Zone Change 715.  7.  PUBLIC WORKS – Contract with GreatWest for Engineering – Scour Repairs for Duck Creek Bridge on the Yellowstone River ad Byam Road Bridge on the Clarksfork River.  8.  SHERIFF – Collective Bargaining Agreement between Yellowstone County and MFPE – Yellowstone County Deputy Sheriff’s Unit.  9.  HUMAN RESOURCES – PERSONNEL ACTION REPORTS – Justice Court – 2 Appointments, 1 Termination; Youth Services Center – 1 Appointment; County Attorney – 2 Termination; Sheriff’s Office – 1 Termination; Detention Facility – 3 Appointments.

          FILE ITEMS – 1.  AUDITOR – Payroll Audit June 1 to June 15, 2023.  2.  CLERK AND RECORDER – A.)  Billings Gazette Sworn Statement of Circulation.  B.)  Board Minutes – County Water District of Billings Heights Water Board Minutes 03/15/23.  3.  CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT – Board Minutes – Park Board June 2023 / DUI Task Force 2023.  5.  HUMAN RESOURCES – Response to June 1st through 15rh Payroll Audit.  6.  PUBLIC WORKS – A.)  Material Price Contracts with Various Vendors for 2023-2024.  B.)  Speed Study for Black Rock Subdivision.  7.  TREASURER – Delinquent List of Property – Saved on a Thumb Drive.  Commissioner Morse made a MOTION to approve the Consent Agenda and place the File Items to file, Commissioner Jones seconded.  Passed Unanimous. 

          PUBLIC COMMENTS ON COUNTY BUSINESS – Hearing no comments Commissioner Ostlund adjourned the meeting at 10:10 a.m.

APPROVE                                             ATTEST