Tuesday June 6, 2023


            ALL PRESENT:  Scott Twito, County Attorney; Commissioner’s Ostlund, Morse; Jeff Martin, Clerk and Recorder; Mike Linder, Sheriff; Judge Carter; Oscar Heinrich and Billie Ruff, Citizens; Jen Jones, Finance Director.

            Mr. Scott Twito, County Attorney opened the meeting and had everyone introduce themselves.  Mr. Twito noted that this is the second of two public hearings.  Mr. Twito stated that the committee members received additional compensation schedules and asked if anyone had questions.  Hearing no questions Mr. Heinrich asked what other employees were tied to Elected Officials Salaries.  Mr. Twito stated that this is the framework to set raises for the non-union employees.  Mr. Twito stated that compensation schedules were provided that increased base pay from 3, 4 and 5% in addition to longevity going from 5 years to 4 years.  Judge David Carter stated that longevity should be phased out in its entirety.  The Commissioners should all be paid the same wage because they are doing the exact same job from day 1.  Judge Carter volunteered to address equalizing salaries for next year.  Mr. Heinrich asked if any other counties do this.  Judge Carter replied he didn’t know of any.  Mr. Heinrich asked if the county could afford a 5% increase for elected officials.  Ms. Jen Jones, Finance Director stated that the county could afford a 5% increase.  Judge Carter made a MOTION to recommend a 5% base increase for Elected Officials and change longevity eligibility from 5 years to 4 years, Mr. Heinrich seconded.  Mr. Heinrich asked the Commissioners if they are ok with the proposed increase.  Commissioner Ostlund and Morse both said yes.  Passed Unanimous.  Judge Carter made a MOTION to approve the County Attorney’s and the Justice of Peace’s salaries, Commissioner Ostlund seconded.  Passed Unanimous. 

          Hearing no public comments County Attorney Twito adjourned the meeting at 10:21 a.m.  

APPROVE                                             ATTEST